HBO Vice - Chiraq

"While violent crime in most metropolitan areas in the US has gone down over the last decade, Chicago has seen a frightening uptick in shootings and gang-related violence. In 2012 the city boasted the highest murder rate in the country. It's gotten so bad there, that residents have given the Windy City a new, war-zone-inspired nickname—Chiraq.
Chicago counts over 100,000 gang members organized into subgangs, factions, and cliques all vying for control over city blocks and settling disputes, either real or imagined, with a pull of the trigger. What's more, getting handguns in the outlying suburbs is about as difficult as finding popcorn at the movies. Thomas Morton embeds with police, and with gang members in the Englewood neighborhood, to find out how things have gotten so out of control in our nation's Second City and why most of the country is turning a blind eye to this unfolding urban nightmare.."

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