Thoughts From a Fashion Addict

1.It's not what you wear its how you wear it that counts.
2. Facebook spammers!! Your fake kicks and snap backs aren't needed 
 3. Remember when champs and footlocker had the 2 f0r 80 sales

4. Spending money on timeless items pays off in the long run.

5. 90degrees. I'm wearing a tank top and cargos and still hot. why are you wearing a winter sweater, jeans and Uggs??

6. Check out some vintage shops you will be suprised what you will find

7. Maternity cloths are made for a reason!! even if she doesn't want em buy your friend some

8. Never xerox copy someone's entire style

9. If I could sneak pics of  the  hideous things I see you would never stop laughing.

10. Chicago: What do you think about towel coats making a come back is it possible?

11. I think Adidas is winning the battle of the sneaker companies right now.(style-wise)

12. They say ugly ass sneakers . We say fly ass sneakers 

13. Just cause its a snapback doesn't mean you can wear it with any and everything  in your closet 

14.PSA:Guys and Girls if you must wear sandals you must tame them dogs!!! PLEASE!!!

Those are my thoughts for now . laugh, enjoy, comment and follow me on twitter @fashionaddictts

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